I love my life. I love my family. However...sometimes it feels like I need an extra day between each and every day to fit in anything I'd like to do as opposed to whatever is ON FIRE that day. Can days become 48 hours long? Or perhaps I could find an inter-dimensional pocket where time has no meaning...though I have to admit the first thing I'd do there is probably nap. No matter.... I will continue my quest to find both crafting time and blogging time. Coffee helps.
I just got the new Oh My Heart kit, and combined with this week's Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge and one of my favorite sets ever, Perk Up (which is totally on sale for a screaming good deal right now, just sayin') could this BEEEEE any cuter? Like seriously, folks, adding wiggly eyes to anything is just adorable. Fred Meyer has these little plants in plain ol' terracotta pots right now but someone stuck wiggly eyes on all the pots and I'm super tempted every time I grocery shop, which is like 7 times a week. I added some cute XOXO washi tape from my stash, and added a lot of sequins, glitter, and sparkles like this cutie is throwing up a handful of confetti. I have a feeling that little stitch stamp might be living on my desk for the foreseeable future.
After I pieced together the coffee cup and added the little arms (hooray!!) then I attached it to some white cardstock and fussy cut the whole shebang to help it stand out from the bold background. There's a pastel heart print in the packet that I'm currently hoarding because I love it more than anything...but I'm hoping to get some time to cut into it soon. I'm linking this project to the Heart 2 Heart Celebrate Good Times challenge, because what is more worth of celebration than Love and Coffee?
Coffee loves you TTHHIISS much, Stampin' Friends, and so do I. Hope you'll pop over to Atlantic Hearts and give this week's sketch a try!