Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Extra project for January club!

I swore to the club gals I'd finish this project last weekend...and I did. Then Ben, and John, and John's parents got that awesome stomache flue that's going around...and then Gabe and I caught it took me a few days to catch up with posting! Anyhow, this project is gonna be a blast!

It's a framed bit of super big scrapbooking, with a little prepetual calendar at the top and a place to keep a shopping list or other to-do/reminder list at the bottom. You write on the glass of the frame with a white board or wet erase pen. Then at the end of the month you wipe it off and start again for the next month - super fun and so much cuter than those other perpetual calendars you buy at the office supply store! Check out the details on the workshop on my website: 


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