Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Typeset Club Pages!

Here are our pages for November's Monthly Memories Club in the new Typeset papers! These were a lot of fun to design, using a bunch of fun Cricut Art Philosophy shapes (different from what we're doing with Elemental in October) and experimenting with Pearl Paint in our embellishing. As you've seen from my recent card, total Pearl Paint addict now!

Not a club member? Join us! We meet the first Friday of each month, and you can join up until the 15th of the previous month. Kits start at just $15, and can be mailed if you're a long distance fan. I make complete color instructions with cutting guides for all six pages, club only prize drawings, and (if you attend in person) you get dinner and a crop! It's the best deal in scrapbooking, and loads of fun too!

Page 1/2: One Fine Day

Page 3/4: Brave & Bold (although you can title it as you wish, of course)

Page 5/6: You are UNIQUE (& I like you)

Club sign ups are open now through October 15th for November's Typeset pages!

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