Saturday, June 29, 2013

Top 10 Convention Pics

So I was not going to do a wrap up of Convention pics since I've been inundating my FB feed with Instagrams - 96 according to my Instaport download...but the I got a moment to catch up on email and saw that this week's Listicle topic was ten favorite Instagram photos...and I do SO love me a Listicle! In no particular order then, here are my...

Top 10 Instagram Photos from Viva Close To My Heart!

1. Flat Elaine & Me - we made the end of convention video wrap up!
2. Bonnie and I ROCKED this coaster, baby! I mean, baby coaster. Whatever, we rocked it!
3. Look, boys! It's the Castle! Mommy's over 10, so I got to go to the castle!
4. Teaching at Extravaganza turned out to be an amazingly fun experience. Thank you to every single one of you fabulous ladies who stopped by to visit and meet me. You made my day...and those bundles shipping to my home right this moment aren't bad either!
5. Getting our Mari Gras on at the Dream Team Meeting
6. I found my first ever Sticky Boy! (Ha, Ha, Kelly Koch - you can't ever stay home again!)
7. Celebrating 40 'ears', my sweet downline Linnea and her super cool hubby Don. 
8. Speaking of sweet Linnea, she (and Cathy and Carlene) made these super adorable Mickey Aprons for our convention going team members. I think she should take orders for next year at Disneyland - what do you think, ladies?
9. This isn't a great pic since it's a screen shot...but Ask Jeanette is always one of my absolute favorite session at convention. I laughed so hard I almost made a puddle...of tea, ladies, of tea. Let's keep it clean, ok?
10. Ok I cheated. I had a bazillion pics so I grabbed a few for a collage, because every year at convention is like a family reunion, making new friends and meeting up with ladies you only get to see very rarely or only online. Convention is like a big, warm hug for your soul!

So next year we are headed to Disneyland in SoCal! I know this year it's not even quite over yet, but I cannot wait to come back. Disney treated us so well here in Orlando, and I never got sick (glutened) once. I know my team and I are gonna have a blast again next summer, and I'm so grateful for each and every one of these lovely women. Time to start cooking up more fun team projects for next year...If you've been on the fence, hop off and join us! I know it's going to be a blast!


Casandra Bennett said...

Great post, Wendy. Thanks for sharing some fun times with us that couldn't go. :)

Katy said...

LOVE the apron (I'd order one!)...LOVE that you found sticky boy (I've never even known anyone who has found so glad that you had the opportunity to teach at Extravaganza!!! Your artwork is AWESOME and my years teaching are memories that I will NEVER FORGET!!!

Vicki Wizniuk said...

Oh, man, I never did see you there. Sooo many people it was hard to find familiar faces in the crowds. Wanted to meet you. :)


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