Monday, January 21, 2013

Ten Things I found in my closet

Stasha over at the Good Life is asking a lot of me for the listicles this week - ten things I found in my closet. I'm not crazy enough to try to photograph the closets up here in my stamp room...of which there are two.  They are semi organized underneath the piles of stuff we crammed in there during a stash and dash cleaning streak many moons ago. Now I climb in and out amongst the stuff when I need something and wonder when I'll ever get enough time to make it right...mostly I try not to even look at that corner of the room while I'm busy midnight crafting and blogging. See how I cropped it out of the photo of my Stamp Pad? The closets/guest bed area are off to the left. It's a big room.


1. A 98% built plastic marble track from last Christmas...let me clarify, Christmas 2011, that was missing a few clamps to finish building the final ramp. I wrote to the company and they sent replacements that took 2 months to arrive. Now I can't decide whether to try to figure out where I was in the crazy bazillion page assembly guide or secretly recycle the whole thing...

2. A plastic bucket filled with coloring books and random legos

3. Three comforters that do not fit the guest bed tucked in the corner of my stamp room

4. A box filled with plastic Halloween spiders

5. A Thomas pillow pet that we were going to give to Max for Christmas (this year!) and forgot

6. A Buzz Lightyear Operation game

7. The curtains and rods I purchased six months ago for the dining room that we've yet to hang up.

8. An entire set of Terry Goodkin TOR paperback books, ostensibly bought for hubby, but mostly likely to be read by me, since I'm a speed reader and will finish the whole series before he finishes book 1, which will disgust him and cause him to give up reading them at all so he can watch more episodes of Star Trek Enterprise on Hulu

9. A monitor for a desk top computer (which we do not own)

10. A big bubble mower shaped like Tow Mater that Max might be too tall for by the time it's warm enough in Oregon to use such an item. Can you use a bubble mower on concrete or decking? We don't exactly have a lawn to bubble mow...

Golly, ten is not a big enough number for this list for me...and I didn't even peek into my bedroom closet. Definitely feeling a purge coming on!


Unknown said...

LOL I literally spit out my tea :) Sounds like my house! Sure why not mow the concrete - if it is anything like ours there is little bits of grass (or weeds) growing out of it somewhere ;) Loved this. Oh and your craft room - jealous!

Leslie said...

Why is it that craft spaces end up being the dumping ground for everything else in the house? I couldn’t even begin to tell you everything in my “craft room” that doesn’t belong there – including toys and forgotten gifts as well! Maybe the pillow pet could be a Valentine’s Day gift?

Azara said...

#8 made me laugh. I should buy a bubble mower for my daughter - she would love it!

Stasha said...

Surely these re son things you don't need. Except Legos and buzz stuff. A must!


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